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Hey! I’m Jenna.

A couple of years ago I finished my M.S. in Biotechnology at John’s Hopkins. When I first enrolled in the program, I was certain that I knew exactly where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do professionally. Two and a half years later, I have no clue what I want to do, and I have learned so much about cell and developmental biology, genetics, and technology, but I might have learned even more about myself.

I love to read and write. When we were assigned research projects and long papers, I found myself excited. This meant wonderful opportunities to read and learn something new, write about it, and share with others! I set up this little corner of the internet to try and continue that activity, as it really did spark joy for me. The difference is that here I can share anything that piques my interest! So it may be chaotic, inconsistent, and eclectic… but so am I.

So I’ll be documenting the random rabbit holes and shallow deep-dives into whatever subject crosses my mind, some of my drawings and crafty projects, and more.

Because why not?

Other very important details about me: I have two cats, Charlie and Lucy, and one very, very sweet chi-mix named Paco (Pac Man, Packer, Poutine, Poutsie, Mister Pistachio). They are all rescues and have such incredible, strong personalities. My favorite hobbies include napping, running, kayaking, reading, yoga, and casual biking, in no particular order. I love to travel and visit new places near and far, and spend a big portion of my summer evenings going to concerts of all musical genres.