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Filtering by Category: attire

2023's Style Transition

Jenna Reed

Over the past several months I’ve been thinking about how my personal style has changed and transitioned over the past ten years. I felt like in my mid twenties I really started to experiment a bit more with different colors and prints, mixing and matching a lot more high end-low end pieces and finding cuts that were flattering on me.

In June I will be entering my mid-thirties and I find myself re-evaluating what style I like and what styles I want to emulate, and reflecting on how that has changed over the past decade. Even down to the clothes I wear to work - a medical laboratory where scrubs are optional, but not required - I find myself leaning towards a wardrobe that can potentially be transitioned out of the wet lab and into every day life. I am in the process of going through all of my clothes and cutting down on things that I no longer reach for. Some of them are going into storage, but many are being either sold, donated, or gifted to someone who will get more wear out of them.

To better visualize these changes, I want to take pictures of outfits that I feel good in and like wearing. I want to see the things that make me feel more confident, so that I can really lean into that style. This will be a major challenge for me, as I am historically awful at remembering to take pictures of myself, and even worse at asking others to take pictures of me. I am determined to turn that around, though!

All that being said, I wore this faux leather pencil skirt to an improv show last night. It was a very different look for me, but I loved it! I’ve been giving tights a fair shot as well, starting with Sheertex, as they claim to be indestructible. So far I have ripped both pairs that I tried, so jury is still out on that one.

More to follow on this adventure…