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Geysers are bonkers...


Geysers are bonkers...

Jenna Reed

These little hot springs are just so mystifying.

The previous time I saw the geysers in Iceland, it was snowing very hard, it was very cold and very windy, and the great explosion evaporated immediately upon blast-off. This time, it couldn't be more different!

The geysers seemed to be eternally deep and the colors were absolutely beautiful. 

Like last time, catching Strokkur mid-explosion is a little bit tricky. It is significantly easier to catch it in the summer than it is in the winter, though. In winter, it's so cold out, the water just immediately evaporates post-boom.

When you're walking around the park in the summer, every so often you'll get a slight mist one or two geysers over from the explosion.

If you're in Iceland and doing the Golden Circle, I definitely recommend stopping at the Geysers! It certainly won't be the quickest stop you make all day, but