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Montréal, QC

Jenna Reed

2023 has been a year of very, very minimal travel. I visited family a couple of times but didn’t spend much time exploring new areas (or even revisiting old favorites). This past weekend, I finally took a little-big adventure to Montréal to see a Christmas market, eat some gluten free croissants, and enjoy the snow.

I managed to see the Great Christmas Market twice. At first visit (the evening of Thursday, November 30th); it was relatively quiet, which allowed for plenty of time to mosey about, explore the stalls, see the goods, and enjoy a cup of mulled wine and hot cocoa. Our second visit was on the weekend; it was absolutely packed, lively with music and people dancing, and had an amazing and exciting atmosphere.

Both had me excited and fully in the holiday spirit!

If you know me, you know I cannot resist handmade ceramics and pottery. I found a booth with the most beautiful pieces, including small mugs! There’s something about a small mug that makes whatever is inside of it feel extra special, like a little treat… so you know that I couldn’t resist purchasing one as a souvenir.

Montréal had some of the most beautiful looking bread and pastries I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, being a celiac girly, beyond admiration and adoration, I couldn’t try any of it… except from an incredible bakery near where I stayed called Le Marquis Signature Santé. Oh my moon and stars, I have not had so incredible a croissant in a decade at least. These beat out every gluten free pastry I tried in Paris. I tried the chocolatine (pain au chocolat/chocolate croissant), the croissant almondine (almond croissant, my personal all-time favorite), and the original croissant as a smoked salmon sandwich. Wowowowow… I rearranged my entire luggage just to bring a frozen pack of six chocolatines home with me. I’m in love! I would honestly make the short flight back with a near-empty suitcase just bring home more in the future, because I want these as a little weekend breakfast treat forever and ever. They had so many other beautiful, incredible looking pastries as well, I genuinely really want to go back sometime.

About 48 hours into my stay, the snow finally arrived… en masse! I was *so* excited, I love the snow and look forward to it every year. I love fall as well, but I tend to call myself a “winter person”. And don’t get me started on snowy days at the beach!

I made the choice to briefly live in Vermont down the street from my grandparents, and I’m not even a skier. For about two days I just kept walking all over the city, slipping and sliding with every step with a stupid-big grin on my face. Above all else, I think this really got me into the winter spirit and so made me miss living in Vermont. New Jersey hasn’t had much snow over the past couple years – a blessing to some, but a major disappointment for me. So it fully made my entire month getting to enjoy two full days of perfect snow!

Montréal was so much fun, but I’m excited to visit other parts of Canada in the future. I’ve been told that Toronto is a must-see, but I kind of have my eye on some more quiet and quaint, less urban areas.

I’m thankful to have had this short but sweet getaway ahead of the holidays!