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September Wallpaper

Jenna Reed

I’m going to set the scene: we’re in the early 2000s, pre-2010. Britney Spears in on the radio, I just posted about my day on LiveJournal, and I’m double-clicking to open Paint Shop Pro to make another desktop background, this time with Aaliyah as the centerpiece.

Fast-forward to 2024.

I mentioned on a way earlier post that I want to share my creative endeavors to track and follow how I change and improve with time and practice.

Whilst learning to use Illustrator, I was given the opportunity to make business flyers for family, which I enjoyed. I’ve been making a few posters and such to practice, learn how to manipulate anchors, and figure out what looks nice. I think, hmm, what’s something new that I can try today?

Let’s make a desktop!

With matching folder icons!

This one allowed me to play around with text and type and the mesh tool. I got to fiddle with anchors and see what I could make. I tooled around with the zig zag effect on ellipses and tried different colors to see what I liked.

It’s very, very simple, but it was a fun first try at a calendar desktop! I’m excited to make a new one for October.

The best way to learn is by doing, and do I will!