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The Things I Restock: Update

Jenna Reed

I thought I’d update my previous post with a few changes. Between August and January I switched up a few of my regular restocks with new products that I’ll be sticking with going forward.

I had been devoted to Basis soap for a very long time. While at the Asbury Park Bazaar before the holidays we picked up a couple bars of soap from a local soapmaker, Dirt Slayer. It’s a new favorite and I’ve already re-ordered a couple of bars. We tried their Green Tea Dropkick Mint, Punk Rock Pine, and Oatmeal Lavender Riot and loved all three. I love that they are local to New Jersey and they all smell and feel so great, this has become our new soap in constant rotation.

I could have added this to my post in August but hadn’t thought about it at the time. I’ve been using Kosas Air Brow (I take Cool Blonde) for years - pretty much since they released it. I had previously used Glossier’s Boy Brow and have picked that one up here and there, but have been generally devoted to this brow gel for a very long time. I’ve repurchased it more times than I can count and it is hands-down my favorite.

I still can’t knock Farmacy’s Honey Butter lip balm, I’ve gone through so many and used it for a very long time. At $15 a pop it’s not exactly the most affordable option, though. On a whim I tried out Badger Balm’s Lip Balm and I am officially converted. They have several flavors that I like and at $3 each they can’t be beat. They’re effective, pleasant to use, and

L’Occitane’s Shea Butter Hand Cream is another product that I could have easily added to my roundup in August but didn’t think about it. I always come back to this hand cream, it’s the absolute best - especially in bitter winter temps. I’ve used their almond hand cream as well and liked it, but this one is the GOAT.

Important to mention: Smints are still the best breath mints ever. I keep them in my desk, car, and every bag.