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Filtering by Tag: DC USA

United States Botanic Garden | Washington, DC

Jenna Reed

Let me tell you... on a bitter-cold winter day, this place is a major treat. It's hard to walk into a building full of photosynthesizing goodness and not feel refreshed and amazing.

Whether you prefer a steamy rainforest environment, an arid desert full of cacti, or anything in-between, you can enjoy a guaranteed beautiful sight.

(I should mention that this is a free experience, too...)

On one hand, I feel like the pictures couldn't possibly do this place any justice, but on the other hand, I'm not sure that my words would do any better a job at explaining how much I love this place.

This was not my first visit, but it is the first place I rush to every time I visit DC.

The cacao tree is always a huge hit - OBVIOUSLY! Who doesn't love chocolate? You can see all kinds of edible flora in the main entrance: from the highly recognizable bananas, lemons, oranges; to the less commonly seen cacao fruit and jackfruit!

You can sit and rest your feet for a couple of blissful minutes next to the very relaxing water features, or keep on going to one of the many other exhibits in the conservatory.

Medicinal plants, orchids, rare and endangered plants, and more!

My favorite section is hands-down walking around the canopy walk in the tropics exhibit. There's something so magical about it... the whole room smells incredible, and on a sunny day, you can feel the warmth shining on your face.


I've visited the botanical garden in Montreal as well (Jardin botanique de Montréal), and while it's very grand and impressive (it's huge!!! and it has an insectarium!!!), the DC option is a truly special escape while visiting the miles and miles of Smithsonian museums.

For me, this is a must-visit. I hear that there's even more open to see in the spring and summer, and I definitely need to go back. In August, you can even see a real Corpse Flower in bloom!

I strongly encourage anyone and everyone else to visit as well... because why not?! It's free, it's beautiful, and it's a gem of a find in DC.