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Filtering by Tag: Moody Shopping

Moody Shopping

Jenna Reed

When I’ve got the itch for an unfeasible shopping spree – either due to budget or physical space – I like to make myself a little wish list. Sometimes there is rhyme and reason to the list, full of items that look nice together or are meant to be used for similar purposes. Other times they’re just nice little objects that have tickled my fancy.

This works well for me for two reasons:

  1. If I still want the item and I’m still thinking about the item however many months later, I must really want it. Making the purchase would, at that point, likely be well thought out and no longer impulsive.

  2. Assuming I still want the item, I can take my time setting money aside for it or making space for it in my life.

These are some of the things that I’m admiring (but not currently up for purchasing) right now.