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Filtering by Category: Outdoor Adventures

Camping Is In-tents: Ten Things I've Learned About Camping

Jenna Reed

Because the weather is super gorgeous and it's that time o' the year... I wanted to bring back something I wrote a long time ago on an older blog that I still consider to be a useful bit of info. Ten things that I've learned about camping over the years!

I should mention, I am not a backpacking camper... I usually park and camp. I will always stay in a tent, though!

  1. If you're traveling late into the night (ie: you got out of work and are now traveling to your campsite like four or more hours away from where you live), know how to pitch your tent ahead of time.
  2. Remember to pack soap, not only for yourself, but for your dishes as well.
  3. On that note, remember to pack spare socks, underwear, bug spray, and sunscreen, too... all of these are notably listed here based on experience. They seem trivial, but seriously, don't forget this stuff.
  4. Air mattresses are underrated, but double check how they are to be filled before you're on your merry way. I've been camped out on some very hard ground without an air mattress, and it's 3000x better with one.
  5. Remember to bring actual cash to buy firewood at the campsite. This may not apply to all campsites, but it does to everyplace I've camped in Vermont so far. 
  6. You really don't need to pack extra shoes. I usually wear my Birkinstocks and bring my running sneakers (for walking some trails, running...) and rubber flip flops (for showering).
  7. Everything tastes better cooked on a campfire. Seriously, though... breakfast potatoes, eggs, stuffed peppers, everything.
  8. Don't just pack a lighter; pack a box of matches, too. Keep 'em in your car or somewhere they'll stay dry, but they're amazing to keep on hand. You'll thank me when you accidentally step on the lighter and it cracks and breaks.
  9. Packing extra bottles/jugs/whatever of water is infinitely helpful. It reduces the number of trips you have to take to the drinking water pump to re-fill.
  10. Just let loose and enjoy... life's too short to take every single little thing seriously. Especially when you're trying to enjoy the great outdoors!

Happy camping season everyone!